Saturday, June 5, 2010

Salty Coconut Ebi (Indonesian Food: Serundeng Ebi)

- 1/2 fresh coconut, scrape
- 1 cup ebi (dry shrimp), clean with water then fry without oil till dry
- 2 garlic clove
- 3 small red onion
- 1 tea spoon salt
- 3 table spoon grated brown sugar
- 2 laurel leafs
- 1 tea spoon tamarind juice
- 2 fresh chili
- 1 table spoon cooking oil

- Shatter the spices: chili, garlic, red onion, brown sugar, salt, and add tamarind juice
- heat cooking oil, add the spices, just mix it till aromatic, add the scraped coconut and ebi, mix all well till dry then remove. Serve

    3 komentar:

    wawan said...

    nda munculki gambar serundeng nya...*) penasaran...wakakakakakakak

    suci said...

    iya kok g' muncul ya??
    berarti mesti di utak atik lagi nih kayaknya... hehe.. ^^

    suci said...

    sudaah.... semoga tdk hilang timbul lg gambarnya... :D

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