Monday, May 3, 2010

Black Gravy Squid (Indonesian Food)

- 3 squid in medium size, clear them without remove the ink pouch, cut into pieces
- 1 big tomato, shred
- 1 garlic clove
- 2 small red onion
- 1 stalk green onion, shred
- 1/2 tea spoon salt
- 1/4 tea spoon pepper powder
- 1/2 tea spoon sugar
- 1 table spoon cooking oil
- 3 cup water

- Heat cooking oil in a pan, add garlic, red onion, and green onion, mix till aromatic
- Add the squids and tomato, pour with water, cook about 10-13 minute in high heat (don't cook it too long or the squid will become tough) , add salt, sugar and pepper powder, mix then remove. Ready to serve

6 komentar:

sunshine said...

keluarkan mulutnya???kumaha carana Teh Suci?? ngga ngerti..hehe...(Ketahuan ngga biasa masak cumi)

suci said...

itu loh, yg ada di tengah2 tentakelnya, bentuknya bulat, kecil, keras kk' asmita.....
cara ngeluarinnya, pencet aja bagian kepalanya pas di pangkal tentakel, nnt dia keluar sendiri..

cRazY girL said...

deeehh..bikin lapar malam2..
keknya nanti2 kalo kontraknya uchie dah kelar,,bisa buka restoran deeeeehh..^^

suci said...

hehehe..... insyaAllah.... emang ada rencana ke situ ^^
Btw, crazy girl ni siapa ya???
g' crazy beneran kan?
di ganti atuh namanya neng geulis...

Unknown said...

ngilerka baca ini postingan...hahahahahahaha

suci said...

hahaha... memang itu tujuannya..... :D

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